Using MapReduce for Machine Learning Systems

In the last article (, I described one of the major use cases for MapReduce: building search indexes. Another major use case is to build a machine learning system, like a classifier or recommendation system. Here, the output is not a search index but some kind of database, like a key-value store.

For example, we could use MapReduce to build a spam filter for emails. Our input email data could look like this:

email_001,"Congratulations! You've won a prize","Click here to claim your prize."
email_002,"Meeting tomorrow","Please find the agenda for tomorrow's meeting attached."
email_003,"Urgent: Update your account details","Your account has been compromised. Click here to update your details."

We would then look to extract features from this data, such as the presence of keywords or the email’s length:

def map_function(email):
    features = extract_features(email["subject"], email["body"])
    return email["email_id"], features

The resulting data, ready for the reducer, might look like this:

    { "email_id": "email_001", "features": { "word_count": 7, "has_prize": true, "has_click_here": true, "subject_length": 38, "body_length": 27 } }, 
    { "email_id": "email_002", "features": { "word_count": 9, "has_prize": false, "has_click_here": false, "subject_length": 15, "body_length": 46 } }, 
    { "email_id": "email_003", "features": { "word_count": 11, "has_prize": false, "has_click_here": true, "subject_length": 31, "body_length": 62 } }

A reducer could take this data and apply a trained spam filter model:

def reduce_function(email_id, features):
    classification = spam_filter_model.predict(features)
    return email_id, classification

Leading to the following key-value store:

    "email_001": "spam", 
    "email_002": "not_spam", 
    "email_003": "spam" 

We could build many other machine learning processes with MapReduce. For example, a database where you query by user ID and get back suggested friends, or a product ID and its related items.